Steering Ventures Blog

Frustrated to Flourishing

Insights and reflections on personal growth, healthy leadership and business strategy to help you, your team, and your community flourish and leave a legacy of impact.

Obstacles Daniel Steere Obstacles Daniel Steere

Journey Obstacles

  • Every executive knows that a clear business strategy is important.

  • Every executive knows that standard operating procedures are important.

  • Every executive knows that a compelling customer journey is important.

So why do so few organizations have a clear strategy, standard operating procedures, and a compelling customer journey?

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Blind Spots Daniel Steere Blind Spots Daniel Steere

[Season 2] Ep. 2: Blind Spots

[Season 2] Ep. 2 : Blind Spots

One of the best parts about running as a pack is the ability to detect blindspots in other members of the pack. In this episode, the Alpha Pack discusses the ways they have called each other out on various details about their lives. And in order to do this effectively, all pack members need to be willing to receive constructive feedback.

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Leadership Daniel Steere Leadership Daniel Steere

Defining Journey

After Vision comes Journey. Always start with Vision. Vision is the why behind your organization – your reason for existing and the better future you want to see/create. But after clarifying the Why you must clarify the What. What are you going to do? Simon Sinek would encourage you to communicate in a different order, and I would agree. But in the design or transformation process of an organization, it is important to clarify Why then What.

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Retreats Daniel Steere Retreats Daniel Steere

[Season 2] Ep. 1: Life Planning Retreat Retrospective

[Season 2] Ep. 1 : Life Planning Retreat Retrospective

Welcome to the second season of the Alpha Pack Podcast!

Whether you are a returning listener, or a new member of the pack, we are glad that you are here. Get ready for a new season full of growth, insight, and refinement, as the Alpha Pack shares the concepts and ideas that have been transforming them into better leaders in all spheres of life.

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Leadership Daniel Steere Leadership Daniel Steere

Improving Your Vision

Very few leaders spend the right amount of time on Vision. Most spend too little time, believing that existential questions about purpose are a waste of time. Some leaders spend too much time reflecting on their personal life purpose and organizational Vision, but most leaders need to spend more time reflecting on the deeper questions.

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Leadership, Vision Daniel Steere Leadership, Vision Daniel Steere

Vision Obstacles

Start with Vision.  

Simon Sinek’s wildly popular TED talk was expanded into a book in 2011. If you have never read Start With Why, I would strongly encourage you to read it or, at a minimum, listen to the TED talk. At the risk of an oversimplification, Simon Sinek argues that great leaders always start by answering the question, “Why?”. Which is why we always start with Vision.

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Leadership, Vision Daniel Steere Leadership, Vision Daniel Steere

The Power of Vision

Start with Vision.  

Simon Sinek’s wildly popular TED talk was expanded into a book in 2011. If you have never read Start With Why, I would strongly encourage you to read it or, at a minimum, listen to the TED talk. At the risk of an oversimplification, Simon Sinek argues that great leaders always start by answering the question, “Why?”. Which is why we always start with Vision.

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Leadership, Vision Daniel Steere Leadership, Vision Daniel Steere

Defining Vision

Start with Vision.  

Simon Sinek’s wildly popular TED talk was expanded into a book in 2011. If you have never read Start With Why, I would strongly encourage you to read it or, at a minimum, listen to the TED talk. At the risk of an oversimplification, Simon Sinek argues that great leaders always start by answering the question, “Why?”. Which is why we always start with Vision.

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Rest Guest User Rest Guest User

[Season 1] Ep. 16:Alphas and Self-Care

[Season 1 Finale] Ep. 16 : Alphas and Self-Care

Alpha Pack Podcast


Don't be fooled: even though you may see alphas achieving high-impact results, what you don't see is their periods of rest that take place behind the scenes. It's not just about working hard -- it's the balance between both working hard and resting that achieves great results. If this balance is out of wack, then everything falls apart.

In today's concluding episode for Season 1, join the Pack as they discuss:

Why making a specific list of what rejuvenates you and what burdens you is vital for your well-being

How healthy stress + healthy rest = maximum output

What the 4 Spheres of Recovery look like

What particular things the Pack has done in their own lives to create effective periods of rest

We hope this episodes inspires you with both practical examples and a powerful framework so that you can maximize your output in life.

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Starting a Pack Daniel Steere Starting a Pack Daniel Steere

[Season 1] Ep. 15: How to Launch Your Own Pack

So you're starting your own pack. You have ideas, but how do you launch it off the ground? And what are the fundamental principles that should guide the who, what, when, where, and why of your pack?

Join the Pack as they give valuable advice about the 4 key principles that should underpin every new pack:

Your pack's general direction

The speed at which your pack is running

Having a hunger to both contribute and receive new information

Being committed to vulnerability and humility

We hope this episode provides valuable principles that will get your pack off the ground and into action.

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Leadership Daniel Steere Leadership Daniel Steere


Organizational Obstacles Block Growth

Why should a leader spend their time and energy addressing organizational obstacles?

Because organizational obstacles block growth.

What’s an organizational obstacle? 

Any misalignment of the 4 pillars within the organization.

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Leadership, Routines Daniel Steere Leadership, Routines Daniel Steere

Alpha Pack Podcast #14

Meeting as a pack every once in a while can be helpful -- but it is far from optimal. Instead, having consistent routines in place can exponentially increase the effectiveness of your pack.

Today, The Pack share why they have decided to establish systematized ways of meeting, and how this has helped them in all aspects of their lives. When you have routines in place, it is much harder to fall into laziness, discouragement, or defeat.

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Leadership, organizations Daniel Steere Leadership, organizations Daniel Steere

What is a Flourishing Organization?

For organizations, the internal resources and relationships that are most important are the clarity and alignment across the four pillars of every organization:

VISION: the organization’s purpose, belief and/or destination.

JOURNEY: the organization’s processes and experiences

CULTURE: the organization’s people, culture, and values

RESULTS: the organization’s profits, metrics, and KPIs

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Daniel Steere Daniel Steere

Alpha Pack Podcast

Ep. 13: Why Did We Stop Doing Learning Experiences Together – And How Can We Do More?

Is constantly learning new information always necessary?It would be easy to think that learning new information is always advantageous, but the Pack discusses why they stopped attending new conferences to absorb new information. In particular, the Pack discusses the concept of frivolous learning and “brain candy.” Additionally, the Pack does not necessarily always see eye to eye in this episode! They each offer their differing perspectives on what would be considered an essential conference to attend for a new learning experience, as well as which conferences would be considered non-essential.

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Daniel Steere Daniel Steere

Alpha Pack Podcast Episode 12

Ep. 12: What We Actually Do in Our Life-Planning Sessions

It's not enough to only meet online. One of the most essential practices of the Alpha Pack has been meeting in person to discuss even the tiniest details about each others' lives.

During this episode, The Pack discusses why meeting face-to-face and having hours to be completely vulnerable with each other is an integral part of growing as a pack. Additionally, they discuss what exactly happens during these sessions (hint: it's not always serious), what they have learned during these sessions, and the most helpful practices that facilitate growth during these sessions.

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Daniel Steere Daniel Steere

What is a Flourishing Leader?

If you were charged with the crime of flourishing, what evidence would the prosecution use to try to convict you?

If I was the prosecution, my case wouldn’t focus on External Resources. Most executives have plenty of access to food, water, shelter, care, and safety. In fact, most executives have access to an abundance of these resources and over-value them to the detriment of the other flourishing resources and relationships.

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