Steering Ventures Blog

Frustrated to Flourishing

Insights and reflections on personal growth, healthy leadership and business strategy to help you, your team, and your community flourish and leave a legacy of impact.

Daniel Steere Daniel Steere

Alpha Pack Podcast #11

The Alpha Pack didn't always exist -- but this is due to the fact that it was formed with intention. In today's episode, Daniel, Scott, Jonathan, and Jay discuss why they decided to keep the Alpha Pack small, and how this Pack serves a different purpose than others packs in their lives.

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Daniel Steere Daniel Steere

Suffering and Flourishing

What is the relationship between suffering and flourishing? Flourishing is access to the external resources, external relationships, and internal resources/relationships we need to thrive. Flourishing is both what you have and who you are. Given this definition, suffering looks and feels like the opposite of flourishing. But we all know we don’t grow without struggle. So what’s the connection?

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Daniel Steere Daniel Steere

Alpha Pack Podcast: Episode 10-Forming Packs

In today's episode, The Pack discusses what "running as a pack" looked like before forming The Alpha Pack. As you will hear, Daniel, Scott, Jonathan, and Jay all had very different experiences with quasi-Alpha Packs during their childhood and young adult years!

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Leadership, Flourishing Daniel Steere Leadership, Flourishing Daniel Steere

The Nature of Flourishing

Flourishing is multi-dimensional.

True individual flourishing is spiritual, mental, emotional/relational, and physical. Looking at only one or two dimensions is misleading and dangerous. True organizational flourishing encompasses your purpose, processes, people, and profits. Looking just at your top line revenue or bottom-line profits as an indication of your organizational health and effectiveness is an overly simplified and short-sighted perspective. Flourishing leaders know that health and effectiveness (both personally and organizationally) are multi-dimensional.

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Daniel Steere Daniel Steere

Authentic Vs. Artificial Flourishing

Authentic Vs. Artificial Flourishing

I recently heard a pastor describe Shalom as the absence of poverty, and poverty as disconnection from resources and relationships. This is a broader concept of poverty than I expected, but the more I think about it the more I believe it.

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Daniel Steere Daniel Steere

Alpha Pack Podcast Episode 9: Triangle Framework

The Hustler, The Investor, and The Optimizer – these are the 3 categories that comprise the “Triangle Framework” model of excellence. In today’s episode, The Pack discusses how these 3 categories of leaders operate, and why being an alpha can look different depending on which category you fall into.

Additionally, The Pack discusses which style of excellence they personally fall into, and give tangible examples of how each of these categories have both strengths and weaknesses. Most importantly, The Pack discusses why gathering a group of Hustlers, Investors, and Optimizers together will actually help all leaders to excel even more than they could on their own.

We hope this episode inspires you to seek out your own strengths depending on your style of excellence, and consider how you can elevate your leadership even further by surrounding yourself with people of different styles of excellence.

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Daniel Steere Daniel Steere

Three Types of Obstacles

Three Types of Obstacles

In my work with clients, I’ve seen three types of obstacles; three categories of issues that keep leaders from experiencing the Growth, Satisfaction, and Impact they desire.

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Daniel Steere Daniel Steere

Alpha Pack Podcast

Scott has been listening to a new podcast that claimed that “energy” is the single most important quality that all successful people possess. However, does the Alpha Pack agree with this statement? And what does “energy” even mean in this context?

In today’s podcast, the Pack answers questions like, “How do you define ‘energy?’”, “Are there different types of ‘energy?’”, “Is it really that important to have tons of energy as an alpha leader?”, and “How does having your own pack of alphas help to cultivate energy?”

This one concept could be the key to taking your natural abilities to the next level, and achieving success in every area you set your mind to.

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Daniel Steere Daniel Steere

Alpha Pack Podcast

Just as every individual alpha has an origin story, each alpha pack also has an origin story. In today’s episode, Scott, Daniel, Jonathan, and Jay reminisce on how their individual stories coincided to create the Alpha Pack.

Despite all of their various origin stories, one word is the key to them coming together as a pack: intentionality. If you want to start your own alpha pack, you can’t sit back and wait for it to happen – you have to take initiative to ensure that it happens. We hope that today’s various stories on how the Alpha Pack was formed will give you inspiration on how you can intentionally form your own pack, and how you can decide which members will be integral to include in your pack.

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Leadership, personal growth Daniel Steere Leadership, personal growth Daniel Steere

The Alpha Pack Podcast

We hope Jay’s story demonstrates the fruit of having strong alpha influences in ones childhood. We also hope his story inspires you to think about how you can influence a future generation of alphas to take hold of each circumstance and change it for the better, just as others did in Jay’s life , and Jay is doing today.

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Daniel Steere Daniel Steere

The Alpha Pack Podcast

Get ready for some wild stories as Scott discusses how the seemingly least alpha group—a church choir—eventually lead to Scott’s “alpha awakening.” Scott recounts how certain boundaries that were supposedly off-limits weren't actually as taboo as they seemed if he approached them with confidence and charisma.

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