The Exponential You (Part 2)

How do you find the Exponential You?

Finding the Exponential version of yourself is an iterative two-step process. Think of it like a dance. Take the first step, then the second step, then the first step, then the second step.

Step 1 is finding your calling. 

The best thinking on the idea of calling is the overlap of 4 circles:

  1. I LOVE IT. You are doing a disservice to yourself, the world, and everyone around you if you hate your job. Over the long-haul, you can’t give 100% to anything you don’t love to do. Find what you love to do.

  2. I’M GOOD AT IT. Just because you love something, doesn’t mean you are good at it. Finding something you love to do that other people affirm. 

  3. IT PAYS THE BILLS.  Unless you are independently wealthy, it is impossible to give your full-time energy to something that doesn’t meet your financial needs. This is what separates your calling from your hobbies. 

  4. THE WORLD NEEDS IT. This fourth circle speaks to impact and legacy. Plenty of people have jobs that they are good at and that make enough money to pay their bills. But there is a deep longing inside each of us to do work that matters.  Digging wells in Africa isn’t the only meaningful work. Think about how your work can make the world a better place. What would happen to the world if no one did what you do?

Last thought on calling. All four of these circles can be moving targets. Over our lifetime we develop new skills and new interests. Industries rise and fall. The needs around us evolve. The objective in this exercise is not to find the overlap of these four circles and then park the bus for the rest of your life. The objective here is to be constantly testing and evaluating each of these four circles. 

Step 2 is finding your Flow.

Flow State is a term coined by psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi. According to Wikipedia, 

“flow state, also known colloquially as being in the zone, is the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity

As you test and evaluate your calling, you will find yourself reacting to the changes. The changes within you are critical – they are like road signs pointing to the exponential you. Most of us find our flow by trial and error. Think back over your life and career and identity these three signs that are pointing to the exponential you:

  1. ENGAGED. Take note of the times when you lose track of time! One of the primary indications of flow state is the transformation of one’s sense of time. 

  2. EXCITED. Joy is a life-hack. When you enjoy an activity, you are more likely to invest the time and energy required to develop the skills. Look for the themes in the activities, assignments, roles, and projects you have really enjoyed.

  3. ENERGIZED. You know you’ve found your flow state when you end the activity with more energy than when you started. This can be a different type of energy – maybe you are physically tired but mentally energized. That’s still a sign.

Step 1 is Finding your Calling.

Step 2 is Finding your Flow.

These two steps are interdependent. As you explore your calling – finding what you love to do and what you are good at doing – you will also find times when you experience flow state. As you experience flow state, you will find yourself developing and strengthening skills that may change your calling. That’s ok! Don’t get discouraged; be encouraged that you are getting closer to the exponential you.

Daniel Steere

As the CEO of Steering Ventures, Daniel is deeply passionate about helping mission-minded executives flourish personally and professionally. He lives just outside Atlanta with his beautiful wife Victoria and their two boys. When he’s not working, traveling, or spending time with his family, he’s probably volunteering at this church, exercising, or reading.


How Do People Change?


The Exponential You (Part 1)