The Exponential You (Part 1)

I want to introduce you to an idea I call THE EXPONENTIAL YOU

This is a topic that several of my clients have found to be very helpful to them, but before I can explain it, I need to give a little context.

Throughout human history, the relationship between effort and output has been linear. If you spend one hour digging a ditch, you get about ½ as much work done as you get if you spend two hours digging a ditch. There isn’t a ton of innovation or skill involved in ditch digging, so a veteran ditch digger isn’t much more effective than a rookie ditch digger. 

However, with the rise of knowledge work over the last hundred years, we are starting to realize that knowledge work doesn’t follow a linear scale. In fact, it follows an exponential scale. 

Unfortunately, most leaders haven’t recognized this fundamental shift, so they are leaving a ton of growth and satisfaction on the table for themselves and their organizations.

For knowledge workers there is a third variable = the quality of the version of you that shows up. I call this the A, B, C, and D version of yourself. A drunk ditch-digger produces pretty much the same result as a sober ditch digger. But the exhausted, angry, or distracted knowledge worker isn’t nearly as good as the happy and well rested version. 

We all know this from personal experience, the B version of me isn’t nearly as good as the A version of me. But here is what most people miss:


Most of us are used to functioning as the B version of ourselves. Especially in a Covid-world, we are used to being exhausted, distracted, disillusioned and anxious. But there is an A version of you, an exponential version of you, that is none of these things. Exponential you is almost magical. Maybe you have experienced this

  • Where your work almost becomes effortless …

  • Where you are exponentially better at your job …

  • Where you lost track of time b/c you were having so much fun …

  • Where you have seen incredible results with hardly any additional effort …

This is not an accident. While looking back those events may seem random to you, they are not. This is the exponential you, the A version of you. If you’ve never experienced this as work, (I’m sorry) but maybe you have experienced it in school or while pursuing a hobby.

You A version of you isn’t a little better than the B version of you. It is a LOT better. And the key to improved performance, happiness and impact is finding, freeing and weaponizing the exponential you.

Questions to Consider:

  1. How do you find the exponential version of you?

  2. What obstacles are keeping you from being the exponential you?

  3. How do you weaponize the exponential you?

Daniel Steere

As the CEO of Steering Ventures, Daniel is deeply passionate about helping mission-minded executives flourish personally and professionally. He lives just outside Atlanta with his beautiful wife Victoria and their two boys. When he’s not working, traveling, or spending time with his family, he’s probably volunteering at this church, exercising, or reading.


The Exponential You (Part 2)