The Executive Snapshot

The first step in elevating your profits, people & purpose.

You know something is wrong. You can feel it, but you can’t put your finger on it.

Is it your vision, mission & values? Is it your leadership team? Is it operations? Has the market changed? Maybe some combination?

How can you be sure?

The Executive Snapshot was designed to give clarity and confidence to C-suite executives. The process is simple:

  1. Schedule a 30-minute call with Daniel to discuss your current situation & frustration

  2. Take the two online assessments … one for you and one for the leaders of your organization

  3. Join a 60-min Zoom call to review your results and recommendations with Daniel

With an investment of $500 and two hours of your time, I guarantee I will find the obstacle(s) holding you back. Then together, we can design the unique plan to elevate your profits, people & purpose.