Steering Ventures Blog

Frustrated to Flourishing

Insights and reflections on personal growth, healthy leadership and business strategy to help you, your team, and your community flourish and leave a legacy of impact.

Obstacles Daniel Steere Obstacles Daniel Steere

Improving the Journey

“Every system is perfectly designed to produce the results it gets.”

- W. Edwards Deming

If you don’t like the results you are seeing, you have to change the system that is producing those results.

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Obstacles Daniel Steere Obstacles Daniel Steere

Journey Obstacles

  • Every executive knows that a clear business strategy is important.

  • Every executive knows that standard operating procedures are important.

  • Every executive knows that a compelling customer journey is important.

So why do so few organizations have a clear strategy, standard operating procedures, and a compelling customer journey?

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Leadership Daniel Steere Leadership Daniel Steere


Organizational Obstacles Block Growth

Why should a leader spend their time and energy addressing organizational obstacles?

Because organizational obstacles block growth.

What’s an organizational obstacle? 

Any misalignment of the 4 pillars within the organization.

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Daniel Steere Daniel Steere

Three Types of Obstacles

Three Types of Obstacles

In my work with clients, I’ve seen three types of obstacles; three categories of issues that keep leaders from experiencing the Growth, Satisfaction, and Impact they desire.

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