Steering Ventures Blog

Frustrated to Flourishing

Insights and reflections on personal growth, healthy leadership and business strategy to help you, your team, and your community flourish and leave a legacy of impact.

Work Culture Daniel Steere Work Culture Daniel Steere

Deconstructing Culture

Every good executive knows the importance of a healthy corporate culture, but few have spent much time defining culture.

  • Your CULTURE is the CHARACTER of your organization.

  • Your CHARACTER is your IDENTITY plus your HABITS.

  • Your IDENTITY is the story you tell yourself about yourself.

  • Your HABITS are what you do consistently.

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Leadership Daniel Steere Leadership Daniel Steere

Defining Journey

After Vision comes Journey. Always start with Vision. Vision is the why behind your organization – your reason for existing and the better future you want to see/create. But after clarifying the Why you must clarify the What. What are you going to do? Simon Sinek would encourage you to communicate in a different order, and I would agree. But in the design or transformation process of an organization, it is important to clarify Why then What.

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Leadership Daniel Steere Leadership Daniel Steere

Improving Your Vision

Very few leaders spend the right amount of time on Vision. Most spend too little time, believing that existential questions about purpose are a waste of time. Some leaders spend too much time reflecting on their personal life purpose and organizational Vision, but most leaders need to spend more time reflecting on the deeper questions.

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Leadership, Vision Daniel Steere Leadership, Vision Daniel Steere

Vision Obstacles

Start with Vision.  

Simon Sinek’s wildly popular TED talk was expanded into a book in 2011. If you have never read Start With Why, I would strongly encourage you to read it or, at a minimum, listen to the TED talk. At the risk of an oversimplification, Simon Sinek argues that great leaders always start by answering the question, “Why?”. Which is why we always start with Vision.

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Leadership, Vision Daniel Steere Leadership, Vision Daniel Steere

The Power of Vision

Start with Vision.  

Simon Sinek’s wildly popular TED talk was expanded into a book in 2011. If you have never read Start With Why, I would strongly encourage you to read it or, at a minimum, listen to the TED talk. At the risk of an oversimplification, Simon Sinek argues that great leaders always start by answering the question, “Why?”. Which is why we always start with Vision.

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Leadership, Vision Daniel Steere Leadership, Vision Daniel Steere

Defining Vision

Start with Vision.  

Simon Sinek’s wildly popular TED talk was expanded into a book in 2011. If you have never read Start With Why, I would strongly encourage you to read it or, at a minimum, listen to the TED talk. At the risk of an oversimplification, Simon Sinek argues that great leaders always start by answering the question, “Why?”. Which is why we always start with Vision.

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